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In the mid-eighteenth century, a large number of Akamba pastoral groups moved eastwards from the Tsavo and Kibwezi areas to the coast. De plus, les collectes de ces récits oraux ont été réalisées pour la plupart au XIXe siècle et au début du XXe siècle par des administrateurs coloniaux ou par les voyageurs européens, à la recherche de nouvelles civilisations et de nouvelles terres. Ils sont vivants et sonores, et sont composés pour faire une satire des comportements déviants et anti-sociaux. Have You Ever Been to a Private Hospital. [4] They also share similarities in their language and social organization, but also have differences. To his soldiers he gave two enclaves that eventually became Kamba Cua and Kamba Kokue. Message: Undefined variable: user_membership, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php Les hommes portent donc des pantalons, généralement faits de coton d'aneth, et des chemises. Le développement et le contrôle du commerce de l’ivoire par la chasse, du transport par le commerce caravanier, et de la vente aux marchands Arabes et Swahili, a mené à l’émergence d’une nouvelle élite d'entrepreneurs parmi les Kamba de Kitui au milieu du XIXe siècle. Les choses changent avec la croissance du commerce à longue distance de la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Sie arbeiteten weiterhin als Träger und militärischer Schutz für die Küstenhändler und hatten eine wichtige Position in der Versorgung der durchreisenden Karawanen mit Lebensmitteln.[3]. Arrivée des Européens en pays kamba à la fin du. The various kilumi or dance groups wore similar colours and patterns on their bead work to distinguish themselves from other groups. Herdsmen and boys have different songs, as do young people and old. Line: 24 Traditionnellement, les hommes Akamba portent des kilts en cuir, conçus à partir des peaux d'animaux ou des écorces d'arbres, et de nombreux bijoux, principalement en cuivre et en laiton, consistant en colliers, bracelets et chevillières. To solve this problem, a system of naming is adopted that gave names which were descriptive of the quality or career of the grandparents. Other Akamba people live in the North Eastern parts of the Kajiado county, Eastern parts of Muranga and Kiambu counties, Mwea region of Kirinyaga county, Taita -Taveta county and Kwale County of the former Coast Province. Traditionally, Akamba men wore leather short kilts made from animal skins or tree bark. That other plausible theory is that the Kamba communities in Paraguay got their name from somewhere else. A diverse collection of sub-ethnic groups, they are mostly residents of a region north of the Kasai and the Sankuru Rivers, south of the main Congo River bend. It belongs to the Bantu branch of the Niger-Congo language family. The Akamba have famous work songs, such as Ngulu Mwelela, sung while work, such as digging, is going on. This name Munyithya was descriptive of certain qualities of the paternal grandfather or of his career. It should not be confused with the Bembe language (Ibembe) spoken in Congo-Kinshasa and Tanzania. Im Norden reicht ihr Gebiet bis Embu, im Süden bis zur tansanischen Grenze. It consisted of neck-chains, bracelets, and anklets. Originally limited to marrying only from within, this changed as Francia banned white colonialists from marrying within themselves, and forced them marry blacks and mulattoes. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Il faut donc être très prudent avec ce genre de sources et les intégrer avec un minimum de recul car elles sont imprégnées d'enjeux sociaux et affectifs. Die Lebensmittel wurden zum Teil von der umliegenden Bevölkerung gekauft, zum großen Teil auch in sogenannten Strafexpeditionen konfisziert. Function: _error_handler, Message: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php Très tôt, les Européens les utilisent également lors de leurs expéditions d'exploration de l'Afrique de l'Est en raison de leurs connaissances précises de ces régions et de leur neutralité vis-à-vis de nombreuses autres tribus. "Mutua/Mutui" (boy) and "Mutuo/Mwikali" (girl) as indicative of the long duration the parents had waited for this child, or a lengthy period of gestation. Mauvoo News[25] is an online news website which covers current affairs and local news touching on Kenya's three Akamba people Counties of Makueni, Kitui and Machakos in the english language. This led to dispersal as the family scattered in search of food. 1890. De même, le commerce caravanier, depuis la côte est-africaine, organisé par les Swahili d’abord puis par les Européens à la fin du XIXe siècle a longtemps impliqué les hommes kamba comme porteurs et commerçants et mobilisé des effectifs toujours plus importants. Die meisten seiner Figuren stellten afrikanische Kriegsteilnehmer, Träger oder Askaris, in der deutschen und britischen Armee dar. Neither can she address them by their first names. Zwischen 1800 und 1850 waren die Kamba die wichtigsten Elfenbeinlieferanten für die Städte Malindi und Mombasa an der Swahiliküste. Les individus qui émergent comme leaders du commerce de longue distance, sont aussi les principaux organisateurs d’expéditions de chasse de grande taille. Kamba (Ethnie) Van Wikipedia, de gratis encyclopedie. Line: 192 Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/page/index.php Niger-Congo › Atlantic-Congo › Volta-Congo › Benue-Congo › Bantoid › Southern › Narrow Bantu › Central › E › Kikuyu-Kamba (E.55) Autonym Kĩĩkamba Most of the Akamba people live in Kenya, and are concentrated in the lower eastern counties of Machakos, Kitui, and Makueni. Function: view, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/controllers/Main.php Il est aussi connu sous le nom de Mwatuangi. Les Kamba organisent ce commerce longue distance avec la côte et détiennent rapidement un monopole dans le cadre du commerce caravanier. He is known as Nau, Tata, or Asa. As a result, they perform a ritual rain making dance called Kilumi. It is, much like that of the Kamba of Kenya, identified with drumming and accompanying dramatic dance. Sie sind mit elf Prozent der Bevölkerung die fünftgrößte Volksgruppe in Kenia[1]. Von dort wurde das Elfenbein über den sansibarischen Markt verkauft. Even if it actually comes from the Kamba, it would require further research to find out from exactly which specific group which uses that name they were from. Die meisten seiner Figuren stellten afrikanische Kriegsteilnehmer, Träger oder Askaris, in der deutschen und britischen Armee dar. Traditionally, both men and women wore leather sandals especially when they ventured out of their neighbourhoods to go to the market or on visits. Parmi les leaders les plus connus figurent Syokimau, Syotune wa Kathukye, Muindi Mbingu, puis Paul Ngei, JD Kali et Malu de Kilungu (un endroit localement connu sous le nom de Mitini kwa Malu). Das war ein Grund, warum der Einfluss der Kamba im Elfenbeinhandel schnell abnahm. The family and their cattle greatly increased in numbers. That was the country that Uruguay’s independence hero fled to with 250 of his soldiers, both men and women. The heart of the dance ritual is its spiritual essence; in fact, it is the spiritual aspect that distinguishes the dances of Africans and their descendants worldwide. In the latter part of the 19th century the Arabs took over the coastal trade from the Akamba, who then acted as middlemen between the Arab and Swahili traders and the tribes further upcountry. Function: require_once. Die Lebensmittel wurden zum Teil von der umliegenden Bevölkerung gekauft, zum großen Teil auch in sogenannten Strafexpeditionen konfisziert. Der deutsche Missionar Johann Ludwig Krapf war unter anderem mit einem der berühmtesten und einflussreichsten Kamba-Elfenbeinhändler namens Kiwoi bekannt, der bei ihrer gemeinsamen Reise zum Mount Kenia von Räubern getötet wurde.[2]. Sources vary on whether Kambas are the third-, fourth- or fifth-largest ethni "Mumbua/Syombua/ Mbula" (girl) and "Wambua/Mbua" (boy) for the time of rain. This would reduce drastically over the next few centuries. It so happened that the couple from heaven had only sons while the couple from the anthill had only daughters. Unter den Kamba bildeten sich große Händlerfamilien heraus, die Karawanen zur Küste und in die Jagdgebiete organisierte. Naming of children is an important aspect of the Akamba people. In Karawanen von mitunter mehreren hundert Personen wurde das Elfenbein an die Küste transportiert. Viele Kamba traten als militärische Unterstützung in den Dienst der IBEA, sie galten als kampfgeübt, mutig und kriegerisch. Ils sont honorés dans les rituels familiaux et les offrandes ou libations sur les autels individuels. Another venerable name for God is Asa, or the Father. Nachdem der Einfluss der Massai ab Mitte des 19. HOBLEY, Charles William, “People, Places and Prospects in British East Africa”. They wore necklaces made of beads, these obtained from the Swahili and Arab traders. They are also found in the coastal Kwale County, Mombasa and Kilifi County as well as parts of Tana River County. La femme, quelle que soit l'occupation de son mari, travaille sur les terres qui lui reviennent en rejoignant la propriété de son mari. Tous les moyens pour obtenir de l’ivoire étaient permis et d’ailleurs les chasseurs kamba nettoyaient même les défenses des éléphants morts de causes naturelles ou de maladies. En effet, ces populations ont abandonné les plaines du Kilimandjaro suite probablement à des assauts massaï. Much of documented pre-colonial history about the Kamba people revolves around Kivoi Mwendwa famously known as 'Chief Kivoi' (born in the 1780s). In ihrem Kerngebiet wurde die Station Machakos errichtet, die für die Versorgung der durchreisenden Karawanen der IBEA verantwortlich war. Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/page/index.php Francia was a lawyer and politician who led the emancipation of Paraguay nine years before. Im Norden reicht ihr Gebiet bis Embu, im Süden bis zur tansanischen Grenze. Dans la famille Kikamba moderne, la femme, spécialement dans les régions urbaines, pratique des professions comme l'enseignement, le secrétariat, la gestion ou la couture, en accord avec l'évolution socio-économique du Kenya. Im Norden reicht ihr Gebiet bis Embu, im Süden bis zur tansanischen Grenze. Elle fait pousser le maïs, le millet, les patates douces, les citrouilles, les haricots, les pois cajan, les épinards, l'herbe aux flèches, le manioc et, dans les régions plus froides telles que Kangundo, l'igname. The Akamba are not specific about the number of children that each couple had initially borne. Ils se fournissent également en produits à vertus médicinales connues sous le nom de miti (littéralement « plantes »), obtenus à partir des nombreuses plantes trouvées dans les plaines d'Afrique de l'Est. Das war ein Grund, warum der Einfluss der Kamba im Elfenbeinhandel schnell abnahm. They wore copious jewellery, mainly of copper and brass. The woman, whatever her husband's occupation, works on her plot of land, which she is given upon joining her husband's household. Der ViaMichelin-Stadtplan von Kamba: Nutzen Sie die bewährten Karten von Michelin und profitieren Sie von unserer mehr als 100-jährigen Erfahrung. L'activité commerciale chez les Kamba est née dans les années 1780 et s’est étendue au XIXe siècle. Kamba "type," French Congo Jean Audema (mid-19th to early 20th century) c. 1900, postcard, collotype Published by Phot. A. "Nduku/Katuku" (girl) and "Mutuku/Kituku" (boy) meaning born at night. The general consensus is that the 250 people who arrived with Artigas were a regiment of loyal soldiers of Kamba descent. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Nachdem die Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEA) die Verwaltung des britischen Protektorats Ostafrika übernommen hatte, gehörten die Kamba zur ersten Gruppe, die von den Folgen betroffen waren. Sie stellen inzwischen keine Kriegsteilnehmer mehr dar, sondern in der Regel Massai-Krieger, barbusige Frauen oder Angehörige anderer populärer ethnischer Gruppen. Ihr Siedlungsgebiet erstreckt sich von Nairobi bis Tsavo. The first group of Kamba people settled in the present-day Mbooni Hills in the Machakos District of Kenya in the second half of the 17th century, before spreading to the greater Machakos, Makueni and Kitui Districts. Dieses Land wird als Ukamba, das Land der Kamba, bezeichnet. Sie stellen inzwischen keine Kriegsteilnehmer mehr dar, sondern in der Regel Massai-Krieger, barbusige Frauen oder Angehörige anderer populärer ethnischer Gruppen. Kamba (suba sa Republikang Demokratiko sa Congo, Orientale Province) Kamba (lanaw), Province du Bas-Congo, Kamba (suba sa Republikang Demokratiko sa Congo, Province du Bas-Congo, lat -5,84, long 13,61) Kamba (suba sa Republikang Demokratiko sa Congo, Province du Bas-Congo, lat -5,03, long 15,56) Kamba (suba sa Republikang Demokratiko sa Congo, Province du Bas-Congo, lat -5,08, long 15,02) Nachdem die Elefantenpopulationen im Ukamba drastisch abnahmen, organisierten die Kamba große Jagdunternehmungen zum Mount Kenya, um für weiteren Nachschub zu sorgen. Débute alors pour les Akamba, une vie semi-sédentaire et agricole à Mbooni, même si le nomadisme reste une activité fondamentale. Francia was a lawyer and politician who led the emancipation of Paraguay nine years before. They had had extensive contact with the East African coast, and it’s possible they were also enslaved or hired as mercenaries. Dennoch blieben die Kamba im Handel aktiv. Of course, some of these names could be simply expressive of the qualities displayed by the man or woman after whom they were named. Das heutige Ukamba wird von ihnen seit ca. By 1782, Afro-descendants made up 11.2 percent of the total population of the Province of Paraguay. "In the beginning, Mulungu created a man and a woman. Freed slaves fought on both sides of almost every war. Die Kamba oder Akamba sind eine bantusprachige Volksgruppe und leben in den halbtrockenen Gebieten der Ostprovinz Kenias. Bereits in vorkolonialer Zeit gehörten geschnitzte Gegenstände aus Holz und Elfenbein zu den Gütern, die im Kamba-Gebiet hergestellt wurden und durch sie in den Handel gelangten. A. Early European explorers also used them as guides in their expeditions to explore Southeast Africa due to their wide knowledge of the land and neutral standing with many of the other societies they traded with. It is, much like that of the Kamba of Kenya, identified with drumming and accompanying dramatic dance. In most but not all cases, the first four children, two boys and two girls, are named after the grandparents on both sides of the family. According to locals of Voi Town, Kivoi settled along Voi River in the mid 1800s. Mehr und mehr spezialisierten sie sich auf den Handel mit Elfenbein. Media related to Kamba people at Wikimedia Commons. This was done to wish away the bad omen and allow the new child to survive. Par exemple, Nduku est un nom donné à un bébé-fille et Mutuku à bébé-garçon nés la nuit. A cluster of Etuka form a village of the Mongo people. Line: 107 [11] The arrival of Belgium as a colonial ruler, with its Leupoldian exploitation model, combined with imported diseases such as sleeping sickness and syphilis, decimated the Mongo people over the colonial history. [1] The Lingala language, however, often replaces Mongo in urban centers. En effet, tandis que les caravanes swahili et kamba comptent seulement environ 300 à 400 personnes, les caravanes britanniques dépassent les 800 hommes. Like many ancient cultures, the Mongo people have used the oral tradition to preserve and transmit knowledge to the next. [8] Disputes and covenants between lineages were typically resolved through goods or inter-marriages. Function: require_once. Written by M.| February 16, 2017| In den Zeiten des Kolonialismus leisteten die Kamba meistens nur friedlichen Widerstand. [11], Given the equatorial forests they live in, like neighboring ethnic groups, the Mongo people cultivate cassava, yam and banana as staple foods. Selon les sources et le contexte, on rencontre plusieurs variantes : Akamba, Akambas, Kaamba, Kambas, Oukamba, Wakamba[2]. At the Cape, they would disembark and exercise as their slavers sought information, markets, and new crewmen. Außerdem regten sie die Elefantenjagd im Inneren an, indem sie Elfenbein von den Völkern in Zentralkenia, wie den Kikuyu, den Meru und den Okiek, aufkauften. [5][6][7], The historic roots of the Mongo people are unclear, but they probably settled along the rainy, hot and humid river valleys of northern and western Congo in early centuries of the 1st millennium. The Swahili language reveals closer ties to the Akamba mother tongue, this being due to the various interactions of the Akamba people with Arab traders for centuries. The Akamba people's love of music and dance is evidenced in their spectacular performances at many events in their daily lives or on occasions of regional and national importance. Ngei and Kali were imprisoned by the colonial government for their anti-colonial protests. Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_harry_book.php Kamba-Sprache, Spracheder Wakamba (Sing. This was the couple from heaven and he proceeded to place them on a rock at Nzaui where their foot prints, including those of their livestock can be seen to this day. Located in the heart of South America, landlocked Paraguay was then under the leadership of El Supremo, a dictator called José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia. Les Akambas des temps modernes, comme la plupart des Kenyans, s'habillent de manière assez conventionnelle, à la manière des Occidentaux. [8] The Belgian colonial rule impacted the traditions, culture and religious beliefs of the Mongo people, and they predominantly converted to one of numerous denominations of Christianity found in Congo. They are also called Akamba or Wakamba.[4]. Auch in dem 1902 von der Kolonialverwaltung aufgestellten Infanterieregiment King’s African Rifles tat ein verhältnismäßig hoher Anteil von Kamba Dienst. They shaved their heads clean, and wore a head band intensively decorated with beads. The mother is known as Mwaitu ('our One'). Line: 24 Elles se rasaient la tête et portaient un bandeau décoré de perles. They are still found in large numbers in these towns, and have been absorbed into the cultural, economic and political life of the modern-day Coast Province. Nachdem die Imperial British East Africa Company (IBEA) die Verwaltung des britischen Protektorats Ostafrika übernommen hatte, gehörten die Kamba zur ersten Gruppe, die von den Folgen betroffen waren. The polyrhythmic drum beats are graced with energetic leaps and even at times, somersaults. Function: _error_handler, Message: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php Le plus célèbre de ces entrepreneurs dans les années 1830-1840 est incontestablement Kivoi Mwenda, cité par tous les récits de voyage européens du XIXe siècle. In Akamba culture, the family (Musyi) plays a central role in the community. [8], Traditional religion of the Mongo people is largely one of ancestor worship, belief in nature spirits, fertility rites, with shamanic practices such as magic, sorcery, and witchcraft. Il est perçu comme le créateur omnipotent de la vie sur la Terre et une entité miséricordieuse. Though primarily agriculturists, the Kamba keep considerable numbers of cattle, sheep, and goats. Die Sprache der Kamba heißt Kikamba. Older women continue to work the land, as this is seen as a source of independence and economic security. The traditional Akamba perceive the spirits of their departed ones, the Aimu or Maimu, as the intercessors between themselves and Ngai Mulungu. This migration was the result of extensive drought and lack of pasture for their cattle. Kambas are concentrated in the lowlands of southeast Kenya from the vicinity of Mount Kenya to the coast. JACKSON, K., “The dimensions of Kamba pre-colonial history”, in OGOT, B. Up until late 20th Century the Maasai and the Akamba communities were involved in persistent cattle-rustling and pasture conflicts especially on the pasture-rich Konza plains. He is perceived as the omnipotent creator of life on earth and as a merciful, if distant, entity. In den Zeiten des Kolonialismus leisteten die Kamba meistens nur friedlichen Widerstand. The Akamba extended family or clan is called mbai. L'artisan Mutisya Muge est également un personnage célèbre à Mombasa, pour avoir introduit la sculpture sur bois dans la communauté Akambani. Ihre Religion bis zur Kolonialzeit war monotheistisch mit einem Gott namens Ngai. She supplies the bulk of the food consumed by her family. Like all other Bantu, communities, the Akamba have a story of origin that differs greatly from that of the Kikuyu. Dennoch blieben die Kamba im Handel aktiv. [3] They speak the Bantu Kikamba language as a mother tongue. [5] They are closely related in language and culture to the Kikuyu, the Embu, the Mbeere and the Meru, and to some extent relate closely to the Digo and the Giriama of the Kenyan coast. Les femmes s'habillent également à la mode européenne, en choisissant parmi les robes, jupes, pantalons, jeans et shorts conçus dans les tissus du pays. Vers 1650, les Akamba ont migré vers le nord-ouest de la frontière de leur pays actuel, plus particulièrement vers les collines de Mbooni, appelées aujourd'hui Machakos[9]. Francia gave Artigas a home far from the capital, and a pension of $30 a month. Weet je zeker dat je je lidmaatschap bij ons wilt opzeggen? [8] The male elder of the Etuka is called Tata (meaning father). From the many anthills around, a man and a woman came out. When they settled in Paraguay, their new hamlets became known as “Lomas Campamento”, where the latter word was the local, derisive name for black people. As East Africa’s interior middlemen, and the owners of a monopoly on ivory, the Kamba would have been involved in this trade, at least at some level. Kamba (Ethnie) Wikipedia open wikipedia design. Il dit que celui-ci avait « placé les Kamba parmi les tribus les plus riches de l’Afrique de l’Est ». File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php Thus, when she is calling her son, she would indeed be calling her father in-law, but at the same time strictly observing the cultural law of never addressing her in-laws by their first names. Dès lors, le territoire kamba est incorporé au Protectorat. The greater part of the caravan was instantly dispersed, Kivoi's people flying in all directions; Kivoi himself was killed with his immediate followers; Krapf fired his gun twice, but into the air, "for," said he, "I could not bring myself to shed the blood of man;" and then he found himself in the bash, separated from both friend and foe, and flying in what he supposed to be the best direction.' On les trouve essentiellement au sud du Gabon , au sud de la République du Congo (régions du Pool, Bouenza (Buenza), Niari (Niadi), Lekoumou (Lekumu) et Kouilou (Kwilu ou Kuilu)), dans les provinces de Kongo Central et de Bandundu en République démocratique du Congo et au nord de l’ Angola (provinces de … Some sub-ethnic groups found in the southern parts of Congo have had a chief, instead of being a collection of lineages,[1] with the chief known as Bokulaka. "Mueni/Waeni" (girl) for the time of visitors, "Maundu" (boy) for the time of multiple activities/things, "Muthami/Muthama" (boy) for the time of migration, Ethnology of A-Kamba and Other Cb Author; C. W. Hobley, This page was last edited on 4 September 2020, at 14:16. "Musyoka/Kasyuko/Musyoki" (boy) and "Kasyoka/Kasyoki" (girl) as a re-incarnation of a dead family member. Karawanen von der Küste wagten es nicht, das von den Massai dominierte Gebiet zu durchqueren und mussten daher die Ware von den Kamba abnehmen. Their artistic inclination is evidenced in the sculpture work that is on display in many craft shops and galleries in the major cities and towns of Kenya. andu, mutue Kopf, Plur. Children often move from one household to another with ease, and are made to feel at home by their aunts and uncles who, while in charge of their nephews/nieces, are their de facto parents. This land is called Ukambani and constitutes Makueni County, Kitui County and Machakos County. The Kamba people were also very brave and successfully resisted an attempt by the British colonialists to seize their livestock in an obnoxious livestock control legislation in 1938. Ils ont construit leurs huttes dans la campagne peu peuplée, au cœur de ces montagnes. Sometimes the names were used to preserve the good names for later children. This would reduce drastically over the next few centuries. Because of its location on the continent, Paraguay was the last port of arrival for African slaves in the Americas. The Kamba or Akamba people are a Bantu ethnic group - or tribe - who predominantly live in the area of Kenya stretching from Nairobi to Tsavo and north to Embu, in the southern part of the former Eastern Province. Maingi Ndonye Mbithi, commonly referred by his peers and locals as Kanyi, from Kimutwa village in Machakos was best known for his concoction of herbs mixed with locally fermented brew (kaluvu) with the ability to heal cancerous boils (Mi'imu). Nous ne disposons que de sources externes, toutes d'origines européennes, datant, pour les premières, du milieu du XIXe siècle. Ils se sont d'abord installés au sud du pays kamba sur les collines de Chyulu pour très vite investir les plaines de Kibwezi. Leurs techniques et leur style ressemble à ceux des Tutsi du Rwanda et du Burundi et des Embu du Kenya. The Kamba speak the Kamba language (also known as Kikamba) as a mother tongue. Historically, most slaves sold in East Africa ended up in the Middle East, not the Americas. Les Akamba se sont installés au nord-est de la Tanzanie durant la première partie du XVIe siècle. These were the initiators of the 'spirits clan'- the Aimo. Rapidement, les communautés Akamba ont migré sur leurs terres actuelles en provenance de la Tanzanie occidentale (Unyamwezi) en passant par les monts Usambara et le Kenya oriental. He is also known as Ngai Mumbi (God the Creator) na Mwatuangi (God the finger-divider). Ihr Siedlungsgebiet erstreckt sich von Nairobi bis… Le Congo-Kinshasa est l'un des pays les plus multiethniques d'Afrique, avec une population estimée à plus de 80 millions et compte quelque 250 ethnies qui peuvent être réparties en plusieurs groupes. Durant le Mbalya, le leader de la danse compose des chansons d'amour ou satiriques afin d'entraîner son ou ses compagnons. By 1782, Afro-descendants made up 11.2 percent of the total population of the Province of Paraguay. The men wear trousers and shirts. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 3 juin 2020 à 04:05. Then there was another push in the 1960s that triggered protests and left the community with only three hectares of land. Some linguists suggest that the “Kamba” in the name actually comes from a shortened version of “Campamento.”. Les enfants sont souvent affectueusement appelés Musumbi (« le roi ») et Muthoki/Nthoki (« celui/celle qui a été longtemps attendu(e) »). This is supplemented with wild-plant and edible-insects gathering, seasonal vegetables and beans, fishing, and hunting. Today, the Kamba make up a minority of the Afro-descendants in Paraguay, who themselves only make up 1.2 percent. Um 1600 hatten sie ein Kerngebiet in der Gegend des heutigen Machakos besiedelt. [8] The society is patrilineal, and traditionally based on a joint family household called Etuka with twenty to forty members, derived from an ancestor lineage. À partir de 1780 et ce jusqu'en 1850, ils étendent leur activité commerciale et exercent leur contrôle économique le long de la partie centrale du territoire correspondant à l'actuel Kenya (en Kikamba, Kiinyaa signifie « montagne de l'autruche »), depuis l'océan Indien à l'est jusqu'au lac Victoria à l'ouest et au lac Turkana au nord[réf. The Mongo people are a Bantu ethnic group who live in the equatorial forest of Central Africa. Die Kamba oder Akamba sind eine bantusprachige Volksgruppe und leben in den halbtrockenen Gebieten der Ostprovinz Kenias. [8] Farming of staples such as yam and banana was likely established by about 1000 CE.
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