ephésiens 5 explication
2. Gardons cet aspect des choses bien en vue, spécialement quand nous sommes découragés par les difficultés présentes dans l’assemblée, et que nous sommes tristement conscients de son état douloureux. children--rather, "sons of disobedience" ( Ephesians 2:2 Ephesians 2:3 ). The Greek order is, "For the things done in secret by them, it is a shame even to speak of." Nous sommes très facilement victimes du sommeil spirituel, tellement les influences du monde sont soporifiques. In a larger sense, the whole season from the time that one is spiritually awakened, is to be "redeemed" from vanity for God (compare 2 Corinthians 6:2 , 1 Peter 4:2-4 ). Not only "have no fellowship, but even reprove them," namely, in words, and in your deeds, which, shining with "the light," virtually reprove all that is contrary to light ( Ephesians 5:13 John 3:19-21 ). View more titles. light--not merely "enlightened"; but light enlightening others ( Ephesians 5:13 ). Non seulement nous avons été pardonnés, mais nous avons été introduits dans la famille divine. Il ne fallait pas s’y tromper, car il y avait évidemment, alors comme maintenant, ceux qui désiraient brouiller cette distinction tranchée, et excuser l’impiété. Il est facile de voir que si le mari rend à sa femme tout l’amour qui lui est dû, elle n’aura pas beaucoup de difficulté à donner à son mari la soumission qui lui est due. But the companion of your life, the mother of your children, the basis of all your joy, you ought to bind to you, not by fear and threats, but by love and attachment" [CHRYSOSTOM]. ( Ephesians 6:9 .) The Vulgate wrongly translates, "This is a great sacrament," which is made the plea by the Romish Church (in spite of the blunder having been long ago exposed by their own commentators, CAJETAN and ESTIUS) for making marriage a sacrament; it is plain not marriage in general, but that of Christ and the Church, is what is pronounced to be a "great mystery," as the words following prove, "I [emphatic] say it in regard to Christ and to the Church" (so the Greek is best translated). . Ce verbe «reprendre» se retrouve au verset 13. 5:5). The contrast is between the heathen and the Christian practice, "Let your songs be not the drinking songs of heathen feasts, but psalms and hymns; and their accompaniment, not the music of the lyre, but the melody of the heart" [CONYBEARE and HOWSON]. Le croyant rempli de l’Esprit est le sujet d’une extraordinaire élévation. Il s’est livré Lui-même pour nous en sacrifice à Dieu. 30. Ephesians 5:1-33 . "Redeem" implies the preciousness of the opportune season, a jewel to be bought at any price. as dear children--Greek, "as children beloved"; to which Ephesians 5:2 refers, "As Christ also loved us" ( 1 John 4:19 ). Ephésiens 5:18-20 S21 Ne vous enivrez pas de vin: cela mène à la débauche. The "for" gives his reason for "not naming" (compare Ephesians 5:3 ) in detail the works of darkness, whereas he describes definitely ( Ephesians 5:9 ) "the fruit of the light" [BENGEL]. Elle a agi pour elle-même, et a légiféré comme si elle était la tête et non le corps. "Nourisheth," refers to food and internal sustenance; "cherisheth," to clothing and external fostering. Wives and Husbands - Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Nous savons que notre espérance est une espérance qui ne rend pas honteux (Rom. 26. sanctify--that is, consecrate her to God. La présentation de l’assemblée rendue parfaite aura lieu dans la gloire future. making melody--Greek, "playing and singing with an instrument." In Colossians 3:8 , "filthy communication" refers to the foulness; "foolish talking," to the folly; "jesting," to the false refinement (and trifling witticism [TITTMANN]) Of discourse unseasoned with the salt of grace [TRENCH]. nourisheth--Greek, "nourisheth it up," namely, to maturity. Premièrement, ce mystère concerne Christ et l’assemblée, non pas une assemblée; il n’est pas question ici d’une assemblée locale, ni d’un certain nombre d’assemblées locales. Ce sera entièrement Son œuvre car Il a aimé, Il s’est livré Lui-même, Il a sanctifié, Il a purifié et, comme le verset 29 ajoute, Il a nourri, Il a chéri et, à la fin, Il se la présentera à Lui-même. Nous sommes des enfants de Dieu, et même des enfants bien-aimés. children of light--not merely "of the light"; just as "children of disobedience" is used on the opposite side; those whose distinguishing characteristic is light. Wherefore--seeing that ye need to walk so circumspectly, choosing and using the right opportunity of good. 5 καὶ ὄντας ἡμᾶς νεκροὺς τοῖς παραπτώμασιν συνεζῳοποίησεν τῷ χριστῷ – χάριτί ἐστε σεσῳσμένοι – et alors que nous étions morts dans nos offenses, nous a … Translate, "Because we are members of His body (His literal body), being OF His flesh and of His bones" [ALFORD] ( Genesis 2:23 Genesis 2:24 ). as unto the Lord--Submissiveness is rendered by the wife to the husband under the eye of Christ, and so is rendered to Christ Himself. N’en parlons donc pas. 20. thanks . The words are a paraphrase of Isaiah 60:1 Isaiah 60:2 , not an exact quotation. D’ailleurs dans Son cas, c’est l’amour qui poussait à agir. La lumière et les ténèbres s’excluent réciproquement. The devil and the wicked will not suffer themselves to be made manifest by the light, but love darkness, though outwardly the light shines round them. Marchant ainsi en enfants de lumière, nous éprouvons ce qui plaît à Dieu; nous l’éprouvons non par un processus de raisonnement, mais par une expérience pratique. For no bound is more sovereign in binding than such bonds, especially in the case of husband and wife. 33. 14. Dans ces sept unit s, on ... C est l explication des t n bres spirituelles grossi res qui remplissent la terre. Retail: $39.99. jesting--Greek, "eutrapelia"; found nowhere else in the New Testament: implying strictly that versatility which turns about and adapts itself, without regard to principle, to the shifting circumstances of the moment, and to the varying moods of those with whom it may deal. Paul himself had forsaken all for Christ ( 2 Corinthians 6:10 , 11:27 ). La création originelle d’Adam et Ève a été arrangée en vue de Christ et de l’assemblée, comme les versets 28 à 32 le montrent. For--Greek, "Because" ( 1 Corinthians 6:15 ). Il est significatif que dans l’AT l’expression « sans défaut » ( amômos en grec) s’appliquait aux … Lorsque la conscience n’est pas exercée, cette vérité n’est pas réalisée ni appliquée, même si elle n’est pas rejetée. Trois mots résument ce qu’est ce fruit: bonté, justice et vérité. covetous . whatsoever doth make manifest--rather, "everything that is (that is, suffers itself to be) made manifest (or 'shone upon,' namely, by your 'reproving,' Ephesians 5:11 ) is (thenceforth no longer 'darkness,' Ephesians 5:8 , but) light." Retail: $44.99. Être rempli par Quelqu’un qui est une Personne divine, cela peut-il n’avoir guère d’intérêt? 2.3 - Ch. As, therefore, He brought to His feet one that so treated Him, and that even wantonly spurned Him, by much tenderness of regard, not by threats, insults, and terror: so also do you act towards your wife, and though you see her disdainful and wantonly wayward, you will be able to bring her to your feet by much thoughtfulness for her, by love, by kindness. why it is necessary. Quand la femme, la femme même de Christ, met de côté l’autorité de son propre mari, des troubles similaires s’ensuivent. Not that there are two churches, one with bad and good intermingled, another in which there are good alone; but one and the same Church in relation to different times, now with good and evil together, hereafter with good alone [PEARSON]. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. The relation of the Church to Christ is the ground of Christianity's having raised woman to her due place in the social scale, from which she was, and is, excluded in heathen lands. understanding--not merely knowing as a matter of fact ( Luke 12:47 ), but knowing with understanding. La propriété spécifique de la lumière est de manifester tout ce qu’elle éclaire. Mais c’est différent d’être rempli de l’Esprit, et la responsabilité d’être rempli de l’Esprit nous incombe. followers--Greek, "imitators" of God, in respect to "love" ( Ephesians 5:2 ): God's essential character ( 1 John 4:16 ). He shall again leave His Father's abode to consummate the union ( Matthew 25:1-10 , Revelation 19:7 ). and he is--The oldest manuscripts read, "Himself (being) Saviour," omitting "and," and "is." In a narrower sense, special favorable seasons for good, occasionally presenting themselves, are referred to, of which believers ought diligently to avail themselves. Hence arose the abstinence from wine of many of the prophets, for example, John the Baptist, namely, in order to keep distinct before the world the ecstasy caused by the Spirit, from that caused by wine. Néanmoins, bien sûr, il peut y avoir de nombreuses occasions où des paroles de répréhension sont nécessaires. Ce n’est pas une petite question. L'épître aux Éphésiens est la seule du Nouveau Testament qui présente d'une manière aussi complète la position céleste et les bénédictions spirituelles des croyants. Buying off from the vanities of "them that are without" ( Colossians 4:5 ), and of the "unwise" (here in Ephesians), the opportune time afforded to you for the work of God. idolater--( Colossians 3:5). Les devoirs mutuels entre mari et femme. En pratique, tout au long des siècles, l’église (comme corps professant) s’est bien éloignée de sa vraie position. 1:5-6a. Wherefore--referring to the whole foregoing argument ( Ephesians 5:8 Ephesians 5:11 Ephesians 5:13 ). 5 Schwartz (1992; 2006) further explains how to perform the scale use correction and. C’est ce que déclare si nettement le verset 7. in your heart--not merely with the tongue; but the serious feeling of the heart accompanying the singing of the lips (compare 1 Corinthians 14:15 , Psalms 47:7 ). C’est pourquoi il ajoute: «comme aussi le Christ nous a aimés», puisqu’en Christ on voyait la nature divine dans toute sa plénitude et toute sa perfection. Christ nourisheth and cherisheth the Church as being of one flesh with Him. Walk as children of light, that is, in all good works and words, "FOR the fruit of the light is [borne] in [ALFORD; but BENGEL, 'consists in'] all goodness [opposed to 'malice,' Ephesians 4:31 ], righteousness [opposed to 'covetousness,' Ephesians 5:3 ] and truth [opposed to 'lying,' Ephesians 4:25 ].". And--in proof that you are so. Version Segond 1910. Deuxièmement, la pensée du corps est introduite ici, car il est parlé de nous qui constituons l’assemblée comme des «membres de Son corps». 17. . Nous qui croyons, nous sommes lumière dans le Seigneur, et par conséquent intolérants vis-à-vis des ténèbres; car il en est dans la grâce comme dans la nature. The laver of baptism is the vehicle, but the word is the nobler and true instrument of the cleansing [BENGEL]. Si un croyant brille dans son vrai caractère, toute sa vie aura cet effet, tout comme son Maître l’a fait au plus haut degré. . The two oldest existing manuscripts, and Coptic or Memphitic version, omit "of His flesh and of His bones"; the words may have crept into the text through the Margin from Genesis 2:23 , Septuagint. gave himself--Greek, "gave Himself up." The Spirit gives true eloquence; wine, a spurious eloquence. to the Lord--See PLINY'S letter quoted above: "To Christ as God.". Or le vrai amour divin exclut les diverses sortes de mal qui proviennent de la chair. So PINDAR [Pythia, 4.509], "The time followed him as his servant, and was not as a runaway slave." 6. vain--empty, unreal words, namely, palliations of "uncleanness," Ephesians 5:3 Ephesians 5:4 , Isaiah 5:20 (that it is natural to indulge in love), "covetousness" (that it is useful to society that men should pursue gain), and "jesting" (that it is witty and clever, and that God will not so severely punish for such things). Les gens ne font généralement pas tellement d’objections au côté de bonté du christianisme: ils approuvent les paroles et actions bienveillantes. The Lord's will, ultimately, is our "sanctification" ( 1 Thessalonians 4:3 ); and that "in every thing," meantime, we should "give thanks" ( 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ; compare above, Ephesians 5:10 ). Pour ceci, comme pour tout ce qui nous est commandé ici, nous devons être remplis de l’Esprit. Not scurrile buffoonery, but refined "persiflage" and "badinage," for which Ephesus was famed [PLAUTUS, A Boastful Soldier, 3.1,42-52], and which, so far from being censured, was and is thought by the world a pleasant accomplishment. The best reading may be translated, That is to say, literally, which is (in other words) an idolater. Here fellowship with wicked workers is forbidden; in Ephesians 5:11 , with their wicked works. Read Ephesians 5 online (NIV) Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children. 29. The Greek of it, and of "filthiness," occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. Sin is "darkness," and its parent is the prince of darkness ( Ephesians 6:12 ). 13. that are reproved--rather, "when they are reproved," namely, by you ( Ephesians 5:11 ). John 12:24 , John 19:34 John 19:35 , to which Ephesians 5:25-27 allude, as implying atonement by His blood, and sanctification by the "water," answering to that which flowed from His side (compare also John 7:38 John 7:39 , 1 Corinthians 6:11 ). of COSO_5,2_F3_137-182 9/22/06 6:01 PM Page 146. For--Supply, and we all love ourselves: "For no man," &c. his own flesh--( Ephesians 5:31 , end). Our Price: $27.99 Save: $17.00 (38%) Buy Now. cometh--present, not merely "shall come." "Thou hast seen the measure of obedience; now hear also the measure of love. Nous devons marcher dans l’amour. by the word--Greek, "IN the word." when the Christian is laid by in silence; therefore he needs the more to improve the seasonable times afforded to him ( Amos 5:13 ), which Paul perhaps alludes to. In Christ's case, the Headship is united with, nay gained by, His having SAVED the body in the process of redemption; so that (Paul implies) I am not alleging Christ's Headship as one entirely identical with that other, for He has a claim to it, and office in it, peculiar to Himself [ALFORD]. Thus "works of darkness" answers to "things done in secret.". Il en découle que, comme de chers enfants, nous devons être des imit… Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children. . Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. Redeeming the time--( Colossians 4:5 ). Ces références nous conduisent à penser qu’être rempli de l’Esprit était une expérience plutôt exceptionnelle, même au début des temps apostoliques. . "Speak of," I think, is used here as "speaking of without reproving," in contrast to "even reprove them." not as fools--Greek, "not as unwise, but as wise.". Son imitation est en grande partie inconsciente, et entièrement naturelle, car il est effectivement le fils de son père, possédant sa vie et sa nature. in every thing--appertaining to a husband's legitimate authority; "in the Lord" ( Colossians 3:18 ); everything not contrary to God. Alors nous devenons comme des hommes qui dorment parmi ceux qui sont morts dans leurs fautes et dans leurs péchés.
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