squid slang navyzillow dixon, ca
Shellback: An individual who has crossed the Line/, Shitbag (also Shitbird, Shitbrick, Shithead, Shitstain, Shitstick, Shitrat, Shitweed): (1) (. Telling the LPO you're going up to the calibration shop for awhile but head up to the roach coach instead? May also be used to describe a blowjob. Boondoggle: An inefficient meeting, event, or evolution; one that it is more fun than productive. The nickname is based on its color and flavor. No-Shitter: A sea story which is mostly (never completely) fictional, and unverifiable as well. (3) Issued wool peacoat. "Do we have any nighttime evolutions this underway?" Schmuckatelli is a Good Man. Marine Mattress: A female who likes to "socialize" with the Marines. Note, an amphibious command ship may also coordinate supporting arms from non-gators, such as destroyers or aircraft. A.K.A. USS Immobile Bay: USS Mobile Bay (CG-53). WebWell, it won't be that because "quid" has been in use since before decimalisation. (See "Brown Water Navy."). SWCCs are more commonly referred to as Special Boat Teams or Boat Guys., Dirty-dick: To rub genitalia on someones cup or soda can as an act of retribution or to be funny; see also "cock swab.". Cruise widow: A sailor's wife. This is an all-white short sleeve uniform that makes the wearer look suspiciously like the ice cream man. Training Aids: Logically, these are items used to assist by demonstration some point in a training lecture. Some'are here, some'are there, some'are everywhere.".
Tin Chicken: US Merchant Marine Officer Insignia on a US Naval Officers uniform, often worn above the SWO pin. (Petty Officer to Sailor: "is there something the matter with you? Compare "Living the dream!" Gator-Freighter: A ship used in amphibious warfare, or generally the transportation of Marines and their equipment, especially, a carrier-like vessel (. JAFO: "Just Another Fucking Observer," given to new recruits who are fresh in the fleet and have not cleared any training. In the aviation community, hot racking refers to an individual who has not taken a shower before retiring to his bunk, usually after working a 12-hour shift on the flight deck. See also BROWN SHOE. Jarhead (Applies exclusively to Marines) Ive heard a couple of explanations for this. The first is the high and tight buzzed haircut that has lo Trap: A fixed-wing arrested landing on an aircraft carrier. "You just blew the 7th Fleet.". For better or worse, everyone is picked on in one way or another. Knee-knockers: A passageway opening through a bulkhead. When the Engineers cause the ship to move through the water, everyone else goes along for the ride.". Kamikaze: A hetero male Marine who is so gung-ho that he can only be sexually satisfied by another male Marine. Brown Shoe: Term used to describe aviation community officers and senior enlisted members, due to the dark brown footwear worn with khaki uniforms and aviation winter working green uniforms. The cold shoulders from civilians persist in certain Navy towns. Airedale: A sailor who works in one of the Navy's aviation rates also know as "Brown Shoes.". Geedunk-a-donk: A huge jiggly ass acquired from eating too much geedunk. Ready Roller: a sailor who wakes up, "rolls" out of his rack- without washing or brushing- "ready" to head to the Mess Hall to start his day. Gator: Gator Navy vessel or sailor. Circular firing squad/circular ass-kicking: An attempt by all command levels to find someone/anyone to blame for a problem for which no one wants to take blame. The F-8 Crusader was universally accepted as a tits machine. This is used in boot camp to refer to those boots who have received their dungaree uniforms so recently that they haven't been ironed, just washed, they are therefore wrinkled, like a raisin. Sinking Sarah: USS Saratoga, which had issues with sinking while tied up alongside the pier. FM: Frequency modulation, or Fucking Magic, sometimes referred to as the FM Principle. Brown Water: Shallow water close to land; Brown Water Navy (Sailor): Any Sailor who operates a small boat in inshore areas. See FAG. A play on words that hints at the escapades her crew may have been involved in. Three Frame Rule: Refers to a sailor or situation that is inherently dangerous. Cu Shing: The sound of shit when it hits the fan. JO-JO: Pronounced "joe-joe." "Boot ensign.". Example: 100007 would be read aloud as "one quadzip seven." Place where food is prepared for consumption. In modern times, these ships are packed to the gills with as many as 225 sailors (all male, except for female officers) and 0 missiles, due to reallocation of armament, and the impending decommissioning of the entire ships class. OSs, STs and other Twidgets that don't, for example, stand any rate-related watches in port (in the days of steam ships especially) get even less respect. A A Squid is a member of the Navy. Haole: Pronounced "How-Lee" Hawaiian term for non-native. Sea Lawyer: (1) A sailor or his buddy, making eloquent but completely spurious arguments at Captain's Mast, or in response to some disciplinary action. 8 Day Skate: On a four section duty roster there is time where each section finishes duty in the morning and is not on duty again for seven more days. Charlies are electrical fires, and Deltas burn exotic materials, often metals like magnesium. Also referred to "Monkey Rapers". PFM: "Pure Fucking Magic", term applied to when things work, but one doesn't know how or why but they work. Named for the Oscar, Oscar Sierra: Radio brevity code for a nuclear weapons mishap. Utterance of the term is usually accompanied by the McDonald's tune followed by "I'm diggin' it" instead of "I'm lovin' it.". Stupid-: Adjective for remedial training. (2) On surface ships, any member of the ship's company who is not assigned to the Engineering Department. Navy Personnel: Shipmate Vs. Squid The term shipmate is used to refer to people in the military. Old Man: The Commanding Officer or Admiral in command. The OIC of this evolution is sometimes referred to as "the FOD-father.". Rope and Choke: Highly advanced and ultra accurate way the Navy determines the body mass index of people who are deemed too heavy for their height. Permanent Help: Slang for a PH (Photographer's Mate) in a fighter squadron. Under the Joint Service Designation System, stands for Anti-Submarine or Scout. Boxing your coffee: Using two paper cups and pouring back and forth to mix creamer and/or sugar. B.O.C.O.D: "Beat Off Cut Off Date": The date prior to returning home from a deployment on which a man should stop masturbating in order to save himself up for his wife or girlfriend. Back when there existed a rating called Boiler Technician (BT), they most commonly were the Oil Kings. Scupper Trout: Sewage solids which have washed overboard, or have been pumped overboard. DOR: Disenroll at Own Request, Drop at Own Request. Usually just an inch or two longer than what military allows, but enough to let the females know who's who. I had to attend stupid-shoot and stupid-swim after the other trainees were at the club drinking 15-cent beers. Derives from the 5-point evaluation system used in the navy, in which a score of five is given to individuals who perform exceptionally well. Double Nuts: Aircraft flown by the squadron or air wing commander, typically has "00" (zero zero) painted on the nose and also printed on routing slips for correspondence. Chief: Title given to enlisted personnel who have achieved the rank of E-7 and who have completed their transitional training and indoc. Material condition: Status open or closed, of various fittings, hatches, etc, which are denoted by a letter. IE or Modified GQ, relaxed GQ condition during extended GQ period, primarily to allow chow; II: Similar to IA, for extended Naval Gunfire Support; III: Wartime cruising, higher state of readiness with some battle stations manned; IV: normal (peacetime) underway watch. Presently, in the USN, it refers to the alcoholic brew offered at social events like "dining-ins" and "dining-outs." : Broke Dick No Worky-worky. CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited: Perfect flying weather. The "official" reason for this event is to hand out awards to the top aviators. Can also be used to describe someone or something that stopped functioning. // ]]> Join our newsletter received by other visitors who are preparing for their military career! Goes from lower ranking (Seaman, Fireman, Airman) to higher ranking (LPO, LCPO) up the chain of command. Bar fine: Fee paid to the manager ("mamasan") of a bar (generally adjacent to the former Naval Base Subic, former Naval Air Station Cubi Point, or former Clark Air Base in the Philippines) for letting a "hostess" take the night off. Snivel: To request time off or to not be scheduled, usually for personal reasons. This term derives from the nickname "squid", meaning "sailor.". Generally a lazy navy cook phones it in by opening an industrial size can of ravioli and dumps out a couple loaves of white bread and calls it good. Non-Qual Navy: Derisive term used by Naval Aviators, Submariners, and SEALs to describe the Surface Navy. OOC: Pronounced "oh oh see." Hows your Same as Bluejacket, referring to the blue utility shirt worn by those personnel. Prefix for any aircraft that has been modified for Search & Rescue. Word Shitter: Another name for those embossing label makers. Wet Willie: Joke played on a sleeping sailor by licking a finger, and sticking it into the unsuspecting sleeping sailor's ear to mimic the feel of a penis being inserted into the ear, usually met with several groans by onlookers. Fleet Tug-Nuclear, Fire Technician-Nuclear). Machinists Mates, Boilermen, Enginemen, Pipefitters, Damage Controlman, Hull Technicians, Electricians, Gas Turbine Technicians. Smokin' and Coke'in': Derogatory nickname used to describe an unauthorized break, where a sailor takes a smoke break, and grabs a soda out of a vending machine. Death Pillows: (Submarine Service) Canned ravioli usually served at midrats. Living the Dream: A sarcastic term used when someone is asked how they are, they reply with this which sounds upbeat and a positive term, and they are actually miserable. Equipment failure is usually caused by letting the smoke out. Senior Enlisted Advisor, a CPO in charge of one's career. Monkey fist: A Turks head knot tied in a rope to add weight and mass to a heaving line. Liberty: Free time away from work or the ship, usually after working hours or in port. A sailor is required to perform a certain number of situps, pushups, and a 1.5-mile run in a given time (which varies based on age and gender). Battle Group (BG): A group of warships and supply ships centered around a large deck aircraft carrier and that carrier's airwing. (2) (. Bag of Dicks: An unwanted or extremely tedious task, e.g. The Navy's senior admiral and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Haji: Racial epithet for a Middle Eastern individual, or anything Middle Eastern. White Rats: Tampons which appear after a sewage leak in the female head. POG stands for Person Other than Grunt, referring to literally anyone who is not a boots-on-the-ground soldier. Comes from the Powertrol valve used in AFFF firefighting systems. Constipation: Derogatory name for USS CONSTELLATION (CV-64). Also known as a "Butt Shark.". Refers to the locals in and around Naval Air Station Patuxent River. Should always begin with "No shit, this really happened," or "This is a no shitter." Short arm inspection: The inspection a ship's corpsman performs on a sailor's penis, looking for visible signs of any venereal disease, if the sailor suspects he may have contracted one. Channel Fever: Anxiousness, felt when approaching port, to get leave. During the six hours off you eat and sleep. Brown bagger: Married sailor who brings his lunch from home in a paper bag. Soup Sandwich: Any situation or individual that is FUBAR. Usually results in one of two things, either NJP, or a fist fight. Smoke Pit: Designated smoking area. Things can also be repaired and gotten into proper working order and then referred to as "checks five-oh." No-Load 1) A servicemember who does not pull his or her own weight. Some black shoes say "Live by the gouge, die by the gouge." Budweiser: Nickname for the SEAL Trident insignia. ", Hooligan Navy: WWII Navy pejorative for the Coast Guard, from its flexibility in enlisting men discharged from other services to rapidly expand for Prohibition. Fleet Up: When a second in command takes his senior's place upon that senior's transfer, retirement, or other re-assignment. Work for 1st division varies among ships depending on size. Differs from "UNREP.". USS Oriskany CVA34, Carriers today are designated as CV, During the VietNam error the A added to CV stood for attack carrier. Its old as the hills, and to my knowledge, no one ever got diagnosed with PTSD from being called a grunt throughout their time in the military. Jesus Nut: The assembly which keeps the rotary wing attached to a helicopter. Common departments are combat systems (combination of some operations/weapons department divisions) supply, admin, deck, engineering, operations, and maintenance. The Clap Line consists primarily of men who are waiting to get treated for venereal disease. Used to attract the attention of a rescue helicopter in the event of a man overboard by the victim in the water. SSGN: Submarine, Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. FUBAR - F***** Up Beyond All Repair: A description of many differing items and people. Secure: To turn off, end, or make tighter, e.g. Also called "Cankers and Sores.". Circa 1981. Also Modifications and Additions to Reactor Facility, an unusual and impractical research reactor in NY, later turned into a training platform (also phrased as My Ass is Royally Fucked.) Generally not considered to be a good situation. Differs from "VERTREP.". As in "Shit can that chit, you're not getting any liberty.". "No, just gator squares.". Spit-kid: in earlier times, a wooden bucket-like container for sailors who chewed tobacco, who spat the result into it. Much easier than the dreaded "helo dunker. Building 36: The USS Bryce Canyon (AD-36). Also refers to a friend who has become non-responsive. A spout connected to a 5 Gallon fuel can. Specifically anyone in an Admin Field. See UA, the correct Naval term. NFO - Naval Flight Officer. Drill Rodeo: A game in which a screwdriver is inserted head first into drill where bit should go and battery is removed. Noun. NMOP: (common on Boomer Subs) No More Patrols Ever. L.T.D.B: "Living the Dream, Baby." ", D.U.B. METOC), UNREP: Underway Replenishment: The taking of supplies from a supply ship by maneuvering alongside it and passing lines between it and one's own vessel. "secure the forward diesel" or "secure from general quarters"; can also be used to to prepare something for sea, as in "secure for sea.". See also "Black box" and "Transistor Theory". George: The juniormost officer onboard a surface ship. Derived from when the blocks on a block and tackle are together and can not lift any higher. Bells will only be rung as a single strike, or a closely spaced double strike, with a maximum of eight bells (4 sets of 2). VBSS: Visit, Board, Search, Seizure: Marinetime boarding actions and tactics. Who has become non-responsive ) to higher ranking ( Seaman, Fireman, Airman ) to higher ranking Seaman! Calibration shop for awhile but head squid slang navy to the locals in and around Naval Air Station Patuxent.! Non-Gators, such as destroyers or aircraft. `` a Turks head knot tied in a training.!, etc, which had issues with sinking while tied up alongside the pier because `` ''... 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