mercator projection vs real
La visión esférica de las imágenes desde el e… Many feel that these discrepancies reflect racism and prejudice against underprivileged and developing countries. The maps are all the work of climate data scientist @neilrkaye. Most maps are very distorted to the Northern Hemisphere. Or: → Selection by thumbnail → Select from list. I recalculated the latitude and longitude coordinates so that the mercator projection would show the correct sizes. Background. Antwort 1: Oh gute Soße nein. Areas far from the equator are distorted in terms of their distances and are shown much larger than they actually are. //this function is called from the javascript from within the iframe after the contents of iframe are loaded (and after an additional 150ms delay) Pressing on the button animates the country ‘shrinking’ to its actual size or ‘growing’ to the size shown on the mercator projection. I’m wondering how this is scaled between Mercator and Real. 1: Projection No. Mercator vs. Miller. mm = document.getElementById('mercatormap2'); Pero empecemos por el principio. Thank you very much. document.getElementById('mercatormap').contentWindow.location.reload(); If you followed a constant compass bearing from Bruges to Edinburgh it would be a straight line on a Mercator map and if you could keep to that exact bearing it would get you exactly there. Animating the Mercator projection to the true size of each country in relation to all the others. Of course Mercator doesn’t “work for navigation” in the general sense. Your email address will not be published. Schneidende Projektionen (in normaler Lage) Berührung vs. Schnitt. For those who wonder why the northern hemisphere shrinks so much, the equator runs through Borneo, which is low down on the map; at the top of the bottom third of the map. b. TRANSVERSE MERCATOR AND LAMBERT CONFORMAL CONIC MAP PROJECTION FUNCTIONS Alan Vonderohe (February 2020) Contents 1. Required fields are marked *. Esto de partida es un problema imposible de resolver, así que hay que ir dando pasos para simplificarlo. And Russia is the country with the largest absolute difference between these two sizes. Projection Informations : Central Cylindrical Mercator; Creator: Unknown (1850 approx.) As long as you give credit back should be fine. There was a school-wide renouncement of outdated colonialist maps and south-up maps (like the ones they definitely 100% use in Australia) were hung up across the northern hemisphere. It would not be the shortest route – for that you would follow a great circle but that does involve adjusting your compass bearing as you progress so you need to know where you are. window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function() { These geojson polygons are plotted here using the Mercator projection using the leaflet javascript library. Following a fixed compass bearing is only the shortest route if heading due north,south, east or west. Have you ever looked at the World Atlas and wondered how some countries got so big and others are so tiny? With any map projection style, the big challenge lies in depicting a spherical object as a 2D graphic. Don’t understand why nearly all of the shrinkage is north of the equator. 2: Mode: [ Info ] Simple Expert . w=window.innerWidth; The central meridian is placed in the center of the region of interest. Dabei werden innerhalb des Zylinders liegende Urbilder in Umfangsrichtung umso stärker vergrößert, je näher sie an der Achse liegen, außerhalb liegende werden verkleinert. function reloadiframes(){ You already know that our world, planet earth is a globe. It is formed by projecting the globe onto a cylinder A variant of the was adopted by Google maps, which helped establish it as the informal standard for web-based maps (although Google maps now also uses a globe view, instead of a map projection when zooming out to a very wide view). mobilewarn(); I was wondering where you were able to find coordinate points as used in the Mercator map projection to make those calculations. A great tool for educators. Any Mercator map you've ever seen must cut off the top/bottom edges at some arbitrary point. In the previous version of this animation, I calculated the latitude and longitude coordinates for the outline of the “real” size by modifying the original latitude and longitude by the ratio of these two areas to draw the new smaller, “real” country size. Countries close to the equator barely change, whereas countries further north shrink dramatically. As it shows, Greenland is the country that has the largest percent difference between its apparent size in a Mercator projection and it’s real size (it’s only about 1/4 of the apparent size). If a navigator wishes to sail from Spain to the West Indies using this map, all they have to do is draw a line between the two points. This is one of the major issues with a projection of a globe onto a cylinder area. Africa. Visualizing Longevity Risk, Greenhouse gas emissions from airplane flights, The 4% Rule, Trinity Study and Safe Withdrawal Rates Calculator, When Is Purchase And Sale Agreement Signed, What Is Our Agreement About What To Do With The Exceptions To The Law Of Demand, What Is An Agreement How It Will Be Classified, What Are The Other Rules In Subject Verb Agreement. Making Sense Of The World, One Map At A Time. This map's grid is rectangular and lines of latitude and longitude are parallel throughout. As a result the tops (northern ends) of countries will shrink more than the bottoms (southern ends) of countries in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa in the Southern Hemisphere. El primero de ellos es asimilar la tierra a una esfera, sí sabemos que la tierra es redonda, pero no es una esfera perfecta ni mucho menos. } As you move towards the poles on a globe, the distance between longitude lines decreases as a function (cosine) of latitude. Foi elaborada no século XVI com a expansão marÃtima europeia. } Svar 1: Kära nån. The Mercator projection vastly exaggerates aged imperialist power, at the expense of developing countries and continents like Africa that are shrunk to inferiority. Central Cylindrical vs. Mercator. This means that a 1,000 meter distance measured anywhere within a UTM zone will be no worse than + or - 1 meter off. All headings are correct on Mercator projection. In this calculation, we create a new set of coordinates by calculating the distance between the center of the polygon and each set of coordinates and change the coordinates to reflect the shrinking of distance between longitude lines as you head towards the poles. The … In every case, distortion is no greater than 1 part in 1,000. Modeled and animated by Grafonaut. General Notation and Definitions. mercatorprojektion vs real. In real life, it's more like the size of Madagascar, just so that you see how ridiculously inaccurate Mercator is when it comes to sizes, specially for regions near the poles. This is incorrect because as you move towards the poles the distances between longitude lines decreases. Der Bereich bleibt dem Leben treu, jedoch auf Kosten von Form, Entfernung und den meisten anderen Faktoren. En annan fråga om "Mercator har fel". The Mercator projection has been used as a template for world maps since 1569. if (w<600){ The ‘outlines’ of all the countries is a series of points, which are specified as latitude and longitude coordinates. 2: Mode: [ Info ] Simple Expert . Loved your maps. Canada and the USA segments fit together for me. Is Greenland really as big as all of Africa? The Transverse Mercator projection illustrated above (Figure 2.22.2) minimizes distortion within UTM zone 30. You may be surprised at what you find! Map found via reddit, click for larger version While it's well known that the mercator projection distorts the world, the maps here show very clearly by how much. } 2. }, 150); Die Erdoberfläche ist in erster Näherung eine Kugeloberfläche, die nicht verzerrungsfrei auf eine ebene Karte abgebildet werden kann. mobilewarn(); Transverse Mercator Projections (After Stem (1989)). Data and tools: This visualization was made using the Leafletjs javascript mapping library and country shapefiles (converted to geojson). Or: → Selection by thumbnail → Select from list. The mercator projection is a commonly used projection on computer maps because it has perpendicular latitude and longitude lines (forming rectangles). Are there set points for each location like in traditional latitude and longitude or do they change? The further you go away from the equator, the worse the error. The students applauded and all subscribed to r/mapporn[1] that day and accepted the Peirce Quincuncial projection as the coolest projection ever. The Mercator projection is infamous for its distortion at high latitudes. It became the standard map projection for navigation because it is unique in representing north as up and south as down everywhere while preserving local directions and shapes. Hover or click on a country to see how much it shrinks from the Mercator projection size. Flatten each one of these zones.What’s the result?It’s the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection! David, that is because when two thirds of the map is allocated to the northern hemisphere (see where the equator is, two thirds of the way down) and only one third to the southern hemisphere, then northern hemisphere countries are over-sized (hugely towards the top of the map) – hence this accurate representation of “shrinkage” when you represent them accurate to surface area. And Russia is the country with the largest absolute difference between these two sizes. }, false); Ein weiteres Unterscheidungsmerkmal "echter" Projektionen liegt darin, ob die Projektionsfläche den Erdkörper berührt (tangent case) oder schneidet (secant case).Um die Abbildungsqualität bei der Darstellung größerer Gebiete zu erhöhen, lässt man den Projektionskörper die Erdoberfläche durchdringen (schneiden). You can find them in geojson format by googling “geojson countries”. As it shows, Greenland is the country that has the largest percent difference between its apparent size in a Mercator projection and it’s real size (it’s only about 1/4 of the apparent size). Um Winkeltreue zu erreichen, muss ein solches Flächenelement daher in Achsrichtung um denselben Faktor vergrößert werden. Drag and drop countries around the map to compare their relative size. The table also shows the top 10 countries whose size is overestimated (and the difference in land area in square kilometers or as a percentage reduction from the size in the Mercator projection). Let’s first address the elephant in the room. One of the best alternatives to the Mercator projection was presented in 1974 at a conference in Germany by Dr. Arno Peters, who claimed he invented it … What I think going on is that when using Web Mercator projection it gets really distorted closer to the poles (north, and south), and its also projecting the entire planet. Actually Mercator was a navigator and his map works for navigation, other projections don’t do that. Subscribe to receive email notifications of new content. d. Inverse Transformation (N,E to Φ,λ). How this “globe to flat” surface conversion was d… Learn how your comment data is processed. ss = document.getElementById('sizescatter'); } Mercator selbst hatte klargestellt, dass seine 1569 ausdrücklich und ausschließlich ad usum navigantium („zum Gebrauch der Seefahrer“) veröffentlichte Projektion sich für geographische Kartenwerke nicht eignete; in seinem umfangreichen Atlas von 1595 hat er sie daher nicht verwendet. Countries close to the equator barely change, whereas countries further north shrink dramatically. While it’s well known that the mercator projection distorts the world, the maps here show very clearly by how much. Klassische Mercator-Projektion: Die Regionen in Polnähe sind viel grösser als jene in Äquatornähe. I’m assuming it’s accurate based purely on area (sqkm) based around a centroid; however, when I visually compare the northern border of the US with the southern border of Canada in the “real” view, it’s clear they don’t fit together.
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